Raw Food.
Last December, this kind of diet was introduced to us. Not because we want to slim down or something, but because of "health" reasons. :) We had this camping thingy from Dec.25-Jan.1. Yeah, we spent our Christmas Day and New year's eve and day together. It was a fun family camp. We even had our "Kamuritsing Race".
At first, eating the "raw food" was a struggle. *gah* Really, kids/teenies would not even eat cooked veggies, how much more RAW? Ha... RAW?
But of course, we were not forced to eat it. It was just introduced to us. So, for how many days at that camp, our vendo machine which sells coffee and cocozhi (a choco drink) from DXN was very much saleable. Kids would flock to cocozhi, while the adults at the coffee. Nyahaha. Just to wash down the *ugh* taste *ugh* of the veggies.
My mentor in Iridology, has the same kind of diet. She introduced this "rainbow" salad, which was served in a fashionable manner, and it looked edible enough. It was yummy. :P
And she told us:
So... if you don't enjoy eating it. Stop the raw food diet. Try to enjoy it though, because our body really needs those alkaline food. -_-
What are the kind of veggies that we eat in raw?
Almost every kind. I think, we tried a lot of kinds. We tried, carrots. Carrots is yummy. But, it's stressing too munch it like a rabbit. Cabbage/Lettuce - they are leafy, so it's easy to eat them. There are different types or kinds of cabbage and lettuce. Some tastes like water, which is ok... others.. well... never mind. We even tried sayote. Sayote, tastes ok... but too much of it.. is *blech*. Pipino, yeah ok naman ang lasa syempre. Sadyang, raw talaga ito pag kinakain. Tomatoes is ok.
The worst "raw" veggies I have tasted.
Saluyot - *gah* Tastes like "grass" and smells like one. When I eat it, I go "Mehhh mehhh" like a goat.
Kalamunggay - It tastes good when cooked. By golly, when raw? I can't explain it. lol
Squash - it's ok at first. But too much of it? *blech*
Gotocola - best eaten raw talaga ito... but.. uhm... it's not yummy ok? But, it helps a lot in your system. Try to eat 2-3 leaves a day. :)
Ampalaya - *blech* It's not even yummy when cooked, how much more raw? We ate this, when we were having our "Kamuritsing Race". Before we start our challenge, we have to eat the obstacle... which is eating all the "raw" veggies placed in front of us... and one of them is ampalaya. Imagine, eating a whole ampalaya? *gah* I never tried it again. Pure torture. (but it was fun... cause it was part of the race. hehe.. but no one ate it at home. Ever)
Camote - *hah* Ever tried, eating it raw? It's hard... it feels like eating a stone. But, it tastes fine.
Anyway, our "raw food diet" at home mainly consists of: carrots, pipino, cabbage, lettuce and gotocola. :)
Do you guys still eat veggies? How's your "healthy diet"? :)
At first, eating the "raw food" was a struggle. *gah* Really, kids/teenies would not even eat cooked veggies, how much more RAW? Ha... RAW?
But of course, we were not forced to eat it. It was just introduced to us. So, for how many days at that camp, our vendo machine which sells coffee and cocozhi (a choco drink) from DXN was very much saleable. Kids would flock to cocozhi, while the adults at the coffee. Nyahaha. Just to wash down the *ugh* taste *ugh* of the veggies.
My mentor in Iridology, has the same kind of diet. She introduced this "rainbow" salad, which was served in a fashionable manner, and it looked edible enough. It was yummy. :P
And she told us:
"Enjoy eating raw veggies. If you don't enjoy eating it, then it's good if you do not eat it.. because it would do you no good."
So... if you don't enjoy eating it. Stop the raw food diet. Try to enjoy it though, because our body really needs those alkaline food. -_-
What are the kind of veggies that we eat in raw?
Almost every kind. I think, we tried a lot of kinds. We tried, carrots. Carrots is yummy. But, it's stressing too munch it like a rabbit. Cabbage/Lettuce - they are leafy, so it's easy to eat them. There are different types or kinds of cabbage and lettuce. Some tastes like water, which is ok... others.. well... never mind. We even tried sayote. Sayote, tastes ok... but too much of it.. is *blech*. Pipino, yeah ok naman ang lasa syempre. Sadyang, raw talaga ito pag kinakain. Tomatoes is ok.
The worst "raw" veggies I have tasted.
Saluyot - *gah* Tastes like "grass" and smells like one. When I eat it, I go "Mehhh mehhh" like a goat.
Kalamunggay - It tastes good when cooked. By golly, when raw? I can't explain it. lol
Squash - it's ok at first. But too much of it? *blech*
Gotocola - best eaten raw talaga ito... but.. uhm... it's not yummy ok? But, it helps a lot in your system. Try to eat 2-3 leaves a day. :)
Ampalaya - *blech* It's not even yummy when cooked, how much more raw? We ate this, when we were having our "Kamuritsing Race". Before we start our challenge, we have to eat the obstacle... which is eating all the "raw" veggies placed in front of us... and one of them is ampalaya. Imagine, eating a whole ampalaya? *gah* I never tried it again. Pure torture. (but it was fun... cause it was part of the race. hehe.. but no one ate it at home. Ever)
Camote - *hah* Ever tried, eating it raw? It's hard... it feels like eating a stone. But, it tastes fine.
Anyway, our "raw food diet" at home mainly consists of: carrots, pipino, cabbage, lettuce and gotocola. :)
Do you guys still eat veggies? How's your "healthy diet"? :)