Before anything else I would like to greet
Ate Ghee and Sid a Happy Birthday! And I would like to thank everyone who greeted me the past few days and specially today. Really. I appreciate it lots. You don't know how it made me smile. The simplest "Happy Birthday Tina" made me smile 1000 watts. Nyahaha. You guys are all soo sweet.
First Birthday msg i got from CBOX:
Ate Sasha *thanks thanks soo muchie.. sa greet and for waiting till 12 Ate. *HUGS* And I did not know you would send me something... Thanksss *HUGS*
First Birthday msg i got from SMS female:
Avy thanks!!!! I still remembered how I thought it was Nov 6 already but it was still Nov 5 when I greeted. Rawr.
Actually Avy's greet came with Dwinny's. sooo
First Birthday msg i got from SMS/call Male:
Dwinny Thank you muchiee laa. Haha. Appreciate it. *hugsssss*
My lovely girlfriends that are in Italy right now. Who featured me in their bloggies days in advance:
Arianne and
Ychel (*i think I should call you ate... haha can I? *) and Glenna.
Of course
Bry!! Who featured me too nyahaha and the comment in Friendster... as in. Appreciate it.
Ate Nona who did greet me on her blog as well...
To everyone online: who greeted (belated or in advance... )
Kuya Angelo,
Ate Ann,
Dimaks *he greeted me and said belated hehe*,
L.A. Mikko,
Kuya Hermie,
Shoshana, Henzel,
Arnel *said belated too*,
Ate Serey,
Mousey *For teh choir!! Thanks thanks cute ang choirrr mo!! haha* and
JoyToday is my Incarnation Day. I did not have any plans really. I wanted to do something spontaneous, I just wanna flow this day. My mom kept asking me for about a week about how would I spend it, or whatever but I can't answer her cause I still haven't decided. She keeps asking me what I want, I wanna tell her 'You wouldn't wanna know!'. Hehe.
My sister Darlene and brother Paolo sang Happy Birthday while I was in bed waking me up before they left for school. Soo cute with action. Sweet. I was still in bed for an hour and my mom sang in my bed again. Waking me up, reminding me for our session with Ate Jaq and Kuya Jo a Chiropractor. I had my first Chiro session. Nice. :)
I turned the PC on I was shocked to see my face all over the screen. My sister made me a "Birthday Desktop". That's why she asked me last night how to change the desktop background.
Darl: Ate, How do you change the desktop?
Tina: Why? You wanna change mine? Don't...
Darl: No. It's our IT Exam.
Tina: Oh ok. *shows her how to do it*

I went to college still pondering on what to do and
Avy, Kuya LL,
Red and Ced was there greeted me a Happy Bday oh and my teachers too. (Maam Fe, Sir MJ, Maam Yvonne, and Maam Liezyl) I thought there would be a meeting for our Thesis 1 but there was none. I ended up treating the girls(
Avy, Renel (yeah she's a girl), June,
Jona, and Nessa) for 2 hours at Pizza Hut.
The plan was actually for everyone who "remembered" my birthday. Haha. So those who greeted and was with me got to be there. I went back to college for our 3pm class and there I was with my guy friends and Pearl and they all knew.
I ended treating the 2nd batch(
Giovanne, JV, Bordz, Red, Ced, and Franco) for Dunkin Donuts eat all you can. I'm not sure, if they'd had enough. Haha. I sent a dozen donuts for the teachers. :) Naw, I'm not a teacher's pet. I just love them (some of them ok?) that's why.
I got calls in between and text messages. All of them my friends from highschool, relatives, and aquaintances. (Aunt Tita(call*dawn*) ,Matet, Angelica(call), Emel, Ate Jill, Ate LJ, Ate Kai, Hannah, Mike(call), Ate Tonet(call), Lola Rosa(call), Aunt Emee(call).)
Just to let you know EVERYONE and I mean ALL OF YOU(online and offline) ... that you ALL MADE MY DAY. The simplest greetings tooo the gifts from the heart are sweet. Thank you Nessa for your advance gift yesterday... that was so sweet.
I'm also celebrating ONE YEAR WITHOUT AN ALLOWANCE. Yeah, when I was 18 my parents placed me on a test to stop giving me my allowance as her financial training (it was a choice between me having to pay college with allowance or parents paying college without an allowance). Tough. But I have to choose the allowance, that's why it made me go to college with 14php in my pocket. Nyahaha.
Anyway, my mom is giving me back my allowance for 6 months(cause she made me stop my burning thingy, that was my main source of cash flow) and then really stop giving me allowance after it. Sooo I'll be having my allowance back tomorrow.
I got four new books (can't help it) and four cakes (picture shows only three) . Holding my fave cake.
2 cakes given by Ate Mayeth, Ate Maricel, Ate Abeth, Ate Alice and Ate Janice

1 from mom. Actually 2. I did not get to take a picture of the 4th one. Hehe
Lovely day to you all. Thanks guys!! :) It was a nice day.. and I'm 19! Woo. I better get used to the age then. Haha. :P I'm at the brink of leaving my teenie yearss...