May 27 - A summer won't be complete if one does not head to the beach even just once. And so, we asked our parents to at least treat us for a beach outing. We went to a very known resort in Samal Island which is Paradise Island. It was crowded and I figured it was because of the cars parked in Davao plus it is a Sunday. Their boat ride improved. They already have an announcement in English probably designed for tourists.

One thing I like there was their food and of course the cottages they have for you to sleep on and read a good book. Davao sure seems like a small place, I met high school classmates and a couple of familiar faces. We weren't able to get a cottage to stay overnight because it was fully-booked which was O.K. and it kinda forced me to go take a dip (because I don't usually swim like I do when I was a kid. I only go to beaches to read and eat. Muwahaha. adik talaga). It was nice that I decided to swim (never mind the tan!) because I got to feed big fishes! Wooohoo. They have this place where you can feed and swim at the same time..
Oh and by the way, I would like to greet Chaya dear a Happy Birthday. She is in Kenya now and we rarely get our hi's and hello's nowadays. Happy Birthday!!! Missss youuu!

The next day(Monday, May 28), Yehyeh invited us over at her place for her slumber party. She invited us ever since the start of summer, either it gets canceled or something comes up making one unable to come. We watched 3 movies, The Illusionist, and to my horror Saw II and Arahan. It took us a long time to start our movie-watching because we were so busy slicing up the cake and laughing over a couple of things.

Yesterday(May 29), we left Yehyeh's place and headed home by 3pm.
I was asked to attend a seminar called "Survival Rate for Stage 4 and Terminal Cancer Patients Using U.S. FDA Approved Alternative Therapies" hosted by PCAM (Philippine College for the Advancement in Medicine and IIPA (International Iridology Practitioners Association) which I am part of.
Our lecturer Professor Xu Kecheng M.D. came from China and leads a hospital named Fudo Cancer Hospital at Guangzhou. Mostly, people who go there from different parts of the world are people who were rejected by other doctors. Amazingly, Professor Xu's Fuda hospital obtains a 70% long-time survival rate for Stage 4 and terminal cancer patients. In fact, one of his patients is a prominent Filipino with a liver cancer and he is not telling his name which is O.K.
The hospital gives you a choice whether you would want to undergo surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy or not. Most doctors would suggest you to undergo chemo for there are no other choice they say and basically I don't think chemo is healthy and I would not recommend other people to do it. The survival rate of Chemo is low and people who went under it usually survives for 4 months *(depends on the stage and the will to live)*.
I like Fudo's concept which is: "Appreciate Life and Never Give Up". They never give up on their patients and they always try hard to give them treatment. Their method is a mix of High Technology and Traditional Chinese Medicine which is pretty good. They believe in integration.
So, what are their treatments? Their main treatment is Cryosurgery. Yes, it is surgery still but it is a NON-invasive treatment. They simply freeze the tumor and take it out. They have other treatments as well like Photodynamic Therapy and Immuno Therapy.
Fuda is well staffed with 40 MD's and 60 nurses. Of the doctors, 37 are trained in Western medicine and 3 in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Fuda has 80 PRIVATE rooms with 2 beds each, one for the patient and the other for a companion (the bed for the companion, they say is much more comfortable than the patient). It has 100 wards with 150 beds. Fuda is in Guangzhou, very near Manila which only takes 2 hours to reach there.
Basically, Fuda only treats patients with tumor. They don't treat leukemia, since it is entirely different and they can't use cryosurgery for it. For leukemia patients, I suggest you go to a CERTIFIED alternative doctor with a western medicine background and make sure you research them o.k.?
I like the comment of Professor Xu and his translator Miss Lao (yes, he needs a translator which kinda makes the lecture a bit boring...) of Davao. "I think Davao is a nice place and when we were walking I feel safe, the police do their jobs." Was it a sign he is coming back to Davao ? Hehe.
NOTE: Attend Professor Xu's seminar for more information, if one is available over there.
For Cebu City: June 2, 5:30 to 9:30pm. Registration: 100Php. Free for PCAM members. at Cebu Country Club, Gov. M. Cuenco Ave., Banilad, Cebu City.
For health BUFFS out there, I can inform you of upcoming seminars if you want just give me a message and your contact number. (Specially people from Davao, I get updated once in awhile here.) :)
Enjoy the last days of Summerrr!!