Alas exams are over. We have a week break.
and i have a lot of things to do...
* Read all the books i need to read, and want to read.
* Pass my requirements either tomorrow or friday.. and also enroll for the next term.
* Answer my take home sclerology exam.
* Finish my 40 eyes for PCAM accreditation.
* Organize mom's newly purchased domain/site! (courtesy of AIDWEBHOST )
* More CD's to burn.
* and of course, sleeping on time and drinking my WATER regularly.
My body reacts when i lack water/sleep, and gives me rashes/allergies and sometimes even worst they kinda "bloat".
For the past two days, my eyes would go "bloat" whenever i wake up.. and even my left hand.. it would numb then bloat. Sorry for the term "bloat" since im not sure how to describe them. And then today.. it was my LIPS.
Oh my.. i have exams and all that and i have a report. Anyway.. i placed Gano massage oil (its herbal) and even the Ganozhi Toothpaste (herbal too), and after 2 hours it wasnt "that" obvious. I cant possibly let my group down for not showing up in our final exam(we will defend our feasibility study), so being the "Anxiety-Tetanic slash Neurogenic" woman that i am, i went to college.
I was like 30 mins late for my Linear Algebra exam, but my teacher is in her usual gracious attitude and i already informed her about my sitch. So, she made me take it (i got my results it was a 97%, not bad for i was in a hurry that time).
The "bloat" in my lips wasnt that evident, and so thank God (i really declared that it wont be noticed.. and i thank you LORD!) because it wasnt evident. And i have to tell a few close friends to take a "close" look at my "kissable" lips! nyahaha..
LESSON TO BE LEARNED: Be a steward to your body, never ever take it forgranted. Practice deep breathing everyday, dont stress yourself, and always drink the ELIXIR of LIFE... WATER.
Literally, dreams at night.
I saw myself planting some tree in the garden with my aunt, and then i noticed my hand grew numb and then saw some worms trying to get into my SKIN! ACK!! i hate worms (yes i dont talk about what i hate.. but really.. i dislike worms.. i dont like to be near worms...), and then i panicked when i saw it trying to get inside ME. I tried to pull them out, one by one.. and oh my.. when i pulled them out, you can see blood dripping..(its like they sucked my blood) and they grew large.. ewwww.
Remembering it still sends shivers down my spine. I took them out.. and threw them away one by one, not minding the pain that seeps through. I can see myself cry.. feel myself cry.
I woke up, feeling relieved that it was just A DREAM.
Women are gifted by being "intuitive", women usually dreams a lot. Anyhow, i was so bothered about that dream, that i decided to look it up online. i /googled it.
I gathered most of them and here they are:
* To associate these characteristics with any individuals, including yourself indicates that you are seeing a very negative side of them and have a generally low opinion of them (or yourself).
The statement above is true, i saw a couple of negative side about the people around me, i wont name names. Just some thought, that some *mutters* people *mutters* are way low. And yeah ive noticed a few negative aspects of mine.
And they are a sign to change the way i look at them. And believe me, i am trying. :)
* To dream of worms, denotes that you will be oppressed by the low intriguing of disreputable persons.
This one correlates with the first meaning. And yeah i was "oppressed" the next day. Again.. i wont name names.
* Old, superstition based dream interpretations say that dreaming about worms is a warning about poor health.
My dreaming about worms, manifested also with my "massive" allergy and kinda obvious ones lately.
* For a young woman to dream they crawl on her, foretells that her aspirations will always tend to the material. If she kills or throws them off, she will shake loose from the material lethargy and seek to live in morality and spirituality.
The next meaning is just so true. Maybe, i would not admit it before, that i am also guilty about being too consumed by "material" stuffs. But all that changed months back, when i read a couple of self-help books that are really enlightening.
And today, if you take a look at my layout.. its all about life, love, happiness, serving, spirituality.. & reality and no signs of superficial stuffs. Cause its all bout LOVE AND LIFE.
Dreams have meanings... just see behind all those PICTURE LANGUAGES that your dream is trying to unravel unto you. :)
RANDOM Conversation FROM ICST (my college):
System Analysis and Design Conversation.
They are talking about yesterday, when they made their project at Jesel's crib.
Jesel: Oi kamo ba, makakita lang gani mo ug unlan matulog dayon mo. Dili mo mutabang! (hey! you guys are annoying. Whenever you see a pillow, you go to sleep right away, and would never help me)).
Jhunnel: Taka lang ka! Pag abot nako, ikaw ray natulog ug naghigda! (Lies! When i arrived, you were the one sleeping, and lying in the bed!)
Jesel: Bag-o ra ko nahuman ug type ato ba, dugay kaayo ka niabot! (I just finished typing that time! You arrived late!)
Giovan: Oi! Correction! Wala siya nihigda, nipilit si Jesel oi! (Hey! Correction! Jesel didnt lie down, she sticked to the wall!)
*just for laughs, jesel is often teased in college as a lizard. and no.. she is not offended by it, just like most of us who were also nicknamed by a couple of "unliked" rodents/animals.*
RANDOM QUOTES in ICST excerpts from the "mass message" created by JV:
*GIOVAN: if you dont give a damn to what i say, then forget about friendship! Bullsh*t!
*Maam MINA: bf, nangangati ang kamay ko pag di 21 karat (bf, my hand would have allergies if its not 21 Karat) - (as if) -
*Renel: Silence means YEZ!
*Sir Mel: Purpose driven Life
*Bee: wag kanang umiyak bee, mahal na mahal kita. (dont cry bee, i love you very much)
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Last day of Kadayawan.... ( Hale Fever )
I was gushing over some band a year ago.. when their song "broken sonnet" wasnt known yet.. and i got to hear it because someone told me it was good and all that. IT WAS REALLY GOOD!
And ever since then.. i wanted to see them play. It is my first time to gush like that over some OPM band, usually i like anything foreign. (well i do like rivermaya, eraserheads, bamboo... the origs but not the way i like hale for some reason..)
But their songs are really GOOD. The meanings.. lyrics are all soo unique. And the way they play.. their music. Arrgh.. addictive. That was last year. I even considered having them on my debut, aside from my dream "Jars of Clay".. but JOC is soo far-away & it would be too expensive. Anyway i ruled them out because..
#1 expensive
#2 my debut would be like a concert
#3 it wont be a debut at ALL.
The reason i want to have them there.. was just to see them.. talk to them. Im usually like that when i like some band. Which is so rare. -_-
Anyhow, last year i saw them at SM Entertainment Plaza. Their "heads" that is. There were so many people out there and i was at the back. Since you have to have their cd in order to go inside. And how should i know the protocol was like that?
Anyway they were like 2-3 hours late? yeah something like that. It was soo long and my curfew was running out and i stayed there because even though i cant see them.. at least i could say i heard them "play". Or are they any good in "LIVE" rather than all those recorded songs that you can hear on the radio?
When they arrived and they played the first song.. it was just sooo GOOD. It felt so good hearing them. The way they play the drums.. the voice.. *sigh* makes you swoon. I ddnt get to finish the whole thing because of my curfew. I only stayed for two songs and Im out. (and that was when i considered them having on my debut hihi.)
Wondered why i talked about them?
This is the last day of Kadayawan.. and so i decided to drop my projects (btw, i finished 3 of them out of 8 and im working on the rest now... )So i tagged along with my parents to SM.

They bought some plants, (my mom has a green thumb) and they were checking out some furnitures (we used to have a furniture company... that was named after the street we are living now.(ill post pics)
Well after having lunch at Krua Thai awhile ago.. we went to JB MUSIC at SM located at 2nd floor. (Hey JB MUSIC im plugging you!) We bought paolo a guitar for practice, and my parents bought a treadmill and some abs-builder thingy. And then i saw their banners for HALE and i heared one cashier telling a customer that they can present their purchase and see HALE live in front.
And so.. i went to my mom and asked about it. Mom then asked about it at the cashier. It turned out the girl there was one of the organizers.. and she said. "Sure, I will take the two of them with me at the front".
She took us at a "fire exit" near the cinema.. (we felt like VIP's *me and my bro* back then) and then it was long hallway to the backstage of the entertainment plaza. When we got there, they made us sit at the third row (w.c is not bad at all). The entertainment plaza was still close that time.
10 mins of sitting there, i saw Champ emerge.
Oohh how cute! His dimples.. his skin! Haha (FYI. di ko naman xa crush.. cute lang talaga xa) And he just looks so cool listening to his IPOD. (*me swoons*) Ok enough bout that.
Then, they decided to open the gate and my golly.. there were sooo many people/fans, they were all screaming. It wouldve looked like a stampede. fter 10 mins. of settling down, they started. First there were three songs from some 3 rappers A Locos something.. i forgot. they were locals. And TADA!!!
HALE!!! *GOSH* I have 3 videos.. kinda long and big to post here.. but ill try. And some pictures.. below. And while listening to their music, i was entranced by the thought of having a picture along with Champ or any of the band member, and better yet, all of them! I was really expecting that much. But the "shy-girl-not-so-expressive-when-it-comes-to-those-feelings-attitude" overtook me. I didnt get to have pic with them.. even just one.. but no.. none.. zilt.. nada!
*sigh* We went back at JB MUSIC, after their mini concert because they were supposed to have an autograph signing. And me and my bro wanted them to sign his new "guitar", but.. we ddnt get to go inside.. because there were soo many people outside. We couldnt pass through. We have the "pink stub" for the claim, coz we are customers.. but many people.
It got me in a bad mood for awhile. I was like..I can see myself.. having pictures with them and all that, but then my expectation went tumbling down. And this is the feeling .. i DONT WANT TO HAVE AT ALL.
Thats why i dont EXPECT. I usually dream.. and i know they would be real someday.. but dreaming and expecting is different. I hope.. i dream.. i envision. That's it.
ANyway.. maybe it's not meant to be. Maybe, God just made my dream come true.. like seeing them close up, but not granting having pics with them. But one day.. maybe.. someday, its just not today.
I thank God, for making one of my DREAM a REALITY! -_- It is something that wasnt expected. Everything was like planned (but wasnt).. seeing them, buying at JB MUSIC(the official sponsor), bringing the digicam.
This day was great.. a great way to end the celebration of KADAYAWAN. But still more reason... to GIVE THANKS everyday!
I will just post two. There were a lot of shot, but not that clear. The video was better though.

And ever since then.. i wanted to see them play. It is my first time to gush like that over some OPM band, usually i like anything foreign. (well i do like rivermaya, eraserheads, bamboo... the origs but not the way i like hale for some reason..)
But their songs are really GOOD. The meanings.. lyrics are all soo unique. And the way they play.. their music. Arrgh.. addictive. That was last year. I even considered having them on my debut, aside from my dream "Jars of Clay".. but JOC is soo far-away & it would be too expensive. Anyway i ruled them out because..
#1 expensive
#2 my debut would be like a concert
#3 it wont be a debut at ALL.
The reason i want to have them there.. was just to see them.. talk to them. Im usually like that when i like some band. Which is so rare. -_-
Anyhow, last year i saw them at SM Entertainment Plaza. Their "heads" that is. There were so many people out there and i was at the back. Since you have to have their cd in order to go inside. And how should i know the protocol was like that?
Anyway they were like 2-3 hours late? yeah something like that. It was soo long and my curfew was running out and i stayed there because even though i cant see them.. at least i could say i heard them "play". Or are they any good in "LIVE" rather than all those recorded songs that you can hear on the radio?
When they arrived and they played the first song.. it was just sooo GOOD. It felt so good hearing them. The way they play the drums.. the voice.. *sigh* makes you swoon. I ddnt get to finish the whole thing because of my curfew. I only stayed for two songs and Im out. (and that was when i considered them having on my debut hihi.)
Wondered why i talked about them?
This is the last day of Kadayawan.. and so i decided to drop my projects (btw, i finished 3 of them out of 8 and im working on the rest now... )So i tagged along with my parents to SM.

They bought some plants, (my mom has a green thumb) and they were checking out some furnitures (we used to have a furniture company... that was named after the street we are living now.(ill post pics)
Well after having lunch at Krua Thai awhile ago.. we went to JB MUSIC at SM located at 2nd floor. (Hey JB MUSIC im plugging you!) We bought paolo a guitar for practice, and my parents bought a treadmill and some abs-builder thingy. And then i saw their banners for HALE and i heared one cashier telling a customer that they can present their purchase and see HALE live in front.
And so.. i went to my mom and asked about it. Mom then asked about it at the cashier. It turned out the girl there was one of the organizers.. and she said. "Sure, I will take the two of them with me at the front".
She took us at a "fire exit" near the cinema.. (we felt like VIP's *me and my bro* back then) and then it was long hallway to the backstage of the entertainment plaza. When we got there, they made us sit at the third row (w.c is not bad at all). The entertainment plaza was still close that time.
10 mins of sitting there, i saw Champ emerge.
Oohh how cute! His dimples.. his skin! Haha (FYI. di ko naman xa crush.. cute lang talaga xa) And he just looks so cool listening to his IPOD. (*me swoons*) Ok enough bout that.
Then, they decided to open the gate and my golly.. there were sooo many people/fans, they were all screaming. It wouldve looked like a stampede. fter 10 mins. of settling down, they started. First there were three songs from some 3 rappers A Locos something.. i forgot. they were locals. And TADA!!!
HALE!!! *GOSH* I have 3 videos.. kinda long and big to post here.. but ill try. And some pictures.. below. And while listening to their music, i was entranced by the thought of having a picture along with Champ or any of the band member, and better yet, all of them! I was really expecting that much. But the "shy-girl-not-so-expressive-when-it-comes-to-those-feelings-attitude" overtook me. I didnt get to have pic with them.. even just one.. but no.. none.. zilt.. nada!
*sigh* We went back at JB MUSIC, after their mini concert because they were supposed to have an autograph signing. And me and my bro wanted them to sign his new "guitar", but.. we ddnt get to go inside.. because there were soo many people outside. We couldnt pass through. We have the "pink stub" for the claim, coz we are customers.. but many people.
It got me in a bad mood for awhile. I was like..I can see myself.. having pictures with them and all that, but then my expectation went tumbling down. And this is the feeling .. i DONT WANT TO HAVE AT ALL.
Thats why i dont EXPECT. I usually dream.. and i know they would be real someday.. but dreaming and expecting is different. I hope.. i dream.. i envision. That's it.
ANyway.. maybe it's not meant to be. Maybe, God just made my dream come true.. like seeing them close up, but not granting having pics with them. But one day.. maybe.. someday, its just not today.
I thank God, for making one of my DREAM a REALITY! -_- It is something that wasnt expected. Everything was like planned (but wasnt).. seeing them, buying at JB MUSIC(the official sponsor), bringing the digicam.
This day was great.. a great way to end the celebration of KADAYAWAN. But still more reason... to GIVE THANKS everyday!
I will just post two. There were a lot of shot, but not that clear. The video was better though.

Friday, August 18, 2006
Thank you mayor for making this day a holiday!
"Kadayawan sa Dabaw" is a whole month long celebration here in Davao. An enriching experience with a difference - as it showcase the past, present and future of the Davaoenos, The Mindanaoans, the Filipinos.
This is the biggest festival held every year. And hundreds of foreigners would visit the said event. Despite the red alert, kadayawan never fails to enchant foreigners to visit our place. Kudos to Mayor Rodrigo Duterte for making this Kadayawan celebration meaningful and safe.
Sales would last for a month. But the highlight of the celebration is the one-week filled with different activities. "Du-aw na!" From Aug.14-Aug 21. The best part of this week-long event is on the 19th and the 20th when the colorful tribal street dancing and floral parade complimented with other ethnic shows that never fail to enchant visitors to Davao City.
Schedule of events
Aug. 1- 21, 8 AM-8 PM
SM City Davao Grounds
Aug. 11-20, 5:30 PM- 2 AM
M. Roxas Avenue
Aug. 12, 8-11 AM
Mayor Rodrigo Duterte Criterium Race
Magallanes-C.M Recto-Rizal-Legaspi-Magallanes Streets
Aug. 12, 4-6 PM
Gaisano South Citimall
Aug. 12-13
SKIM Davao 3rd Whoosh National Skimboarding Competition
MerGrande Ocean Resort
Aug. 13, 6 AM-1 PM
Flight of the Eagles
Magsaysay Park to Malagos
Aug. 14, 8 AM-1 PM
WAW Davao Recreational Kayak Racing
Davao Marina Mark
Aug. 15, 8 AM-2PM
WAW Davao Whale Watching
Lasang, Davao City
Aug. 15, 10 AM-6 PM
SM City Entertainment Plaza
Aug. 15, 5:30-6:30PM
Quezon Park
Aug. 15, 7 PM
Centennial Park
Aug. 16, 8 AM-4 PM
WAW Davao Windsurfing 101
Chemas Beach Resort
Aug, 16, 10 AM-6 PM
SM City Entertainment Plaza
Aug. 16, 4-8 PM
Bugno sa mga Kumo Boxing
Rizal Park
Aug. 16, 7 PM
SM City Entertainment Plaza
Aug, 16, 7 PM
SM City Entertainment Plaza
Aug. 16-18, 9 AM-8 PM
Ikebana International Exhibit
NCCC Mall Ground Level
Aug. 16-18, 7 PM
Kaimunan sang Da’an
Palma Gil St.
Aug. 17, 8 AM-4 PM
WAW Davao Sports Fishing and Island Hopping
IGACOS/Davao Gulf
Aug. 17, 8 AM-6 PM
Kasamongan Festival
IIPE Grounds (Fronting Nanay Bebeng’s)
Aug. 17, 9 AM-4 PM
Davao River Promenade
Aug. 17, 2-4/ 6-8 PM
Bayanihan – “On Golden Wings of Love”
Bangko Sentral Auditorium
Aug. 17
4 PM-8 PM, Rizal Park / 7:30-11:30 PM, Matina Town Square
Aug. 17, 6 PM
USA Kadayawan Balik-Davao Dinner Dance for a Cause
Waterfront Insular Hotel
Aug. 17-18, 6:30PM-12MN
2nd Philippine Womens University-Philippine Womens College Alumni Global Congress
The Venue
Aug. 18, Whole day
Globe Intensity G Caravan
Rizal Park
Aug. 18, 9 AM-12 NN
Tulip-Aplaya Road, Ecoland
Aug. 18, 1-5 PM
Gaisano Mall of Davao
Aug. 18, 4:30-10 PM
WAW Davao Sunset Cruise and Moonlight Cruise
Davao Gulf
Aug. 18, Whole Day
ABS-CBN Global Concert
Rizal Park
Aug. 18, 7 PM
SM City Entertainment Plaza
Aug. 18-19, 6 PM-12 MN
Blue Roost: Ateneo de Manila National Reunion
The Marco Polo Davao
Aug. 19, 8 AM-4 PM
WAW Davao Barkadahan: An Island Getaway
Davao Gulf
Aug. 19, 9 AM-9 PM
Major city thoroughfares
Aug. 19, 10 AM
Castrol Kadayawan Motocross Competition
Ecoland Holdings Racetracks
Aug. 19, 12 NN-3 PM
Ginoong Kadayawan
Aug, 19, 1 PM
Silent Drill & Skydiving-Maragtas Cadets of 2007
Agro Industrial Colleges Grounds
Aug. 19, 2-5 PM
Longest Durian Roll (Bid for Guinness Book of World Records)
M. Roxas Avenue
Aug. 19, 7:30 PM
David Pomeranz Concert
NCCC Mall Convention Hall
Aug. 19, 7:30 PM-2 AM
Major city thoroughfares
Aug. 19, 7 PM
M.O.R. For Life! Street Party Concert
Bonifacio corner Legaspi Streets
Aug. 19, 7 PM
In front of Apo View Hotel
Aug. 19-20, 9 AM-5:30 PM
Airsoft Games
Aug. 20, 8 AM-4 PM
WAW Davao Diving 101
Aug. 20, 9 AM-12 NN
Major downtown thoroughfares
Aug. 20, 1:30-5:30 PM
Major downtown thoroughfares
Aug. 20, 5:30 PM-12 MN
Rizal Park
So.. what are you waiting for? Haha. But i bet its too late to book a flight and join the celebration now.. if you are far from here. All airline.. boats and buses are loaded and fully booked. Better luck NEXT YEAR! :)
"Kadayawan sa Dabaw" is a whole month long celebration here in Davao. An enriching experience with a difference - as it showcase the past, present and future of the Davaoenos, The Mindanaoans, the Filipinos.
This is the biggest festival held every year. And hundreds of foreigners would visit the said event. Despite the red alert, kadayawan never fails to enchant foreigners to visit our place. Kudos to Mayor Rodrigo Duterte for making this Kadayawan celebration meaningful and safe.
Sales would last for a month. But the highlight of the celebration is the one-week filled with different activities. "Du-aw na!" From Aug.14-Aug 21. The best part of this week-long event is on the 19th and the 20th when the colorful tribal street dancing and floral parade complimented with other ethnic shows that never fail to enchant visitors to Davao City.
Schedule of events
Aug. 1- 21, 8 AM-8 PM
SM City Davao Grounds
Aug. 11-20, 5:30 PM- 2 AM
M. Roxas Avenue
Aug. 12, 8-11 AM
Mayor Rodrigo Duterte Criterium Race
Magallanes-C.M Recto-Rizal-Legaspi-Magallanes Streets
Aug. 12, 4-6 PM
Gaisano South Citimall
Aug. 12-13
SKIM Davao 3rd Whoosh National Skimboarding Competition
MerGrande Ocean Resort
Aug. 13, 6 AM-1 PM
Flight of the Eagles
Magsaysay Park to Malagos
Aug. 14, 8 AM-1 PM
WAW Davao Recreational Kayak Racing
Davao Marina Mark
Aug. 15, 8 AM-2PM
WAW Davao Whale Watching
Lasang, Davao City
Aug. 15, 10 AM-6 PM
SM City Entertainment Plaza
Aug. 15, 5:30-6:30PM
Quezon Park
Aug. 15, 7 PM
Centennial Park
Aug. 16, 8 AM-4 PM
WAW Davao Windsurfing 101
Chemas Beach Resort
Aug, 16, 10 AM-6 PM
SM City Entertainment Plaza
Aug. 16, 4-8 PM
Bugno sa mga Kumo Boxing
Rizal Park
Aug. 16, 7 PM
SM City Entertainment Plaza
Aug, 16, 7 PM
SM City Entertainment Plaza
Aug. 16-18, 9 AM-8 PM
Ikebana International Exhibit
NCCC Mall Ground Level
Aug. 16-18, 7 PM
Kaimunan sang Da’an
Palma Gil St.
Aug. 17, 8 AM-4 PM
WAW Davao Sports Fishing and Island Hopping
IGACOS/Davao Gulf
Aug. 17, 8 AM-6 PM
Kasamongan Festival
IIPE Grounds (Fronting Nanay Bebeng’s)
Aug. 17, 9 AM-4 PM
Davao River Promenade
Aug. 17, 2-4/ 6-8 PM
Bayanihan – “On Golden Wings of Love”
Bangko Sentral Auditorium
Aug. 17
4 PM-8 PM, Rizal Park / 7:30-11:30 PM, Matina Town Square
Aug. 17, 6 PM
USA Kadayawan Balik-Davao Dinner Dance for a Cause
Waterfront Insular Hotel
Aug. 17-18, 6:30PM-12MN
2nd Philippine Womens University-Philippine Womens College Alumni Global Congress
The Venue
Aug. 18, Whole day
Globe Intensity G Caravan
Rizal Park
Aug. 18, 9 AM-12 NN
Tulip-Aplaya Road, Ecoland
Aug. 18, 1-5 PM
Gaisano Mall of Davao
Aug. 18, 4:30-10 PM
WAW Davao Sunset Cruise and Moonlight Cruise
Davao Gulf
Aug. 18, Whole Day
ABS-CBN Global Concert
Rizal Park
Aug. 18, 7 PM
SM City Entertainment Plaza
Aug. 18-19, 6 PM-12 MN
Blue Roost: Ateneo de Manila National Reunion
The Marco Polo Davao
Aug. 19, 8 AM-4 PM
WAW Davao Barkadahan: An Island Getaway
Davao Gulf
Aug. 19, 9 AM-9 PM
Major city thoroughfares
Aug. 19, 10 AM
Castrol Kadayawan Motocross Competition
Ecoland Holdings Racetracks
Aug. 19, 12 NN-3 PM
Ginoong Kadayawan
Aug, 19, 1 PM
Silent Drill & Skydiving-Maragtas Cadets of 2007
Agro Industrial Colleges Grounds
Aug. 19, 2-5 PM
Longest Durian Roll (Bid for Guinness Book of World Records)
M. Roxas Avenue
Aug. 19, 7:30 PM
David Pomeranz Concert
NCCC Mall Convention Hall
Aug. 19, 7:30 PM-2 AM
Major city thoroughfares
Aug. 19, 7 PM
M.O.R. For Life! Street Party Concert
Bonifacio corner Legaspi Streets
Aug. 19, 7 PM
In front of Apo View Hotel
Aug. 19-20, 9 AM-5:30 PM
Airsoft Games
Aug. 20, 8 AM-4 PM
WAW Davao Diving 101
Aug. 20, 9 AM-12 NN
Major downtown thoroughfares
Aug. 20, 1:30-5:30 PM
Major downtown thoroughfares
Aug. 20, 5:30 PM-12 MN
Rizal Park
So.. what are you waiting for? Haha. But i bet its too late to book a flight and join the celebration now.. if you are far from here. All airline.. boats and buses are loaded and fully booked. Better luck NEXT YEAR! :)
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Happy Birthday!
I have 3 Unsung Birthday Celebrants!
Ate Jill (August 11), Emel Joy (August 16)... and TODAY.. Jona!
Blessed Birthday GIRLS! Hope you <3 my artwork.. (if you call it art).
for Jona

for Ate Jill

I placed them all in their "testimonials" @ Friendster
Ate Jill (August 11), Emel Joy (August 16)... and TODAY.. Jona!
Blessed Birthday GIRLS! Hope you <3 my artwork.. (if you call it art).
for Jona

for Ate Jill

I placed them all in their "testimonials" @ Friendster
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Life is still good...
Riding a PUJ home, i can hear the conversation of two elderly people in front of me. (I wasnt eavesdropping, they were talking right in front.. you cant help it.)
Anyhow, they were talking about someone who wanted to commit suicide because of the problems that someone encountered. And they find it shallow, because it's not actually a solution to the problem, and all that.
The guy asked the 'suicidal freak' "is that your solution?, do you think you would solve it like that? you would still lose". And the 'suicidal freak' would drone on and on about his work.. family. The guy told him "you entered that problem, you must learn how to get out of it. and that is not by trying to kill yourself. you are not the only one who has a problem. everyone has."
(my opinion)
Yes. Everyone has problems/stresses in life, but we all have different ways of dealing with it. Some foolish others are wise.
Foolish way of dealing it, is drinking. Yes, i find it foolish. (No offense meant). If you resort to drinking, because you have a big big problem... and you wanna drown yourself with liquor/alcohol.. do you think the next day your problem would be solved? No. it won't. Come to think of it... it's actually a waste of time. (aside from the fact that it adds stress in your body/health). Same goes to smoking. Specially the "suicide" thing. Yes, everyone thinks about that whenever everything goes wrong. Not the way we wanted it to happen. And you think your dreams would go tumbling down.. yada yada. If you do them all the time.. i dont think you wont solve any problems. It adds bigger problems.
So how do you solve your problems?
By diverting your thoughts to "solutions". Divert your thoughts.. you always think about your problem... everyday.. every waking day of your life. So you get more problems. What if you focus yourself to the "solution" instead of the "problem" itself?
Face your problems.. but do not be too consumed by it. Work on it. Solve it.
Don't be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams.
We need problems/obstacles/mistakes, anything that stresses us out to Learn. Sometimes we need to learn the hard way, if we keep making that mistake over and over again. If you cannot perfect that mistake it will haunt you, until you learn.
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” - Martin Luther
But always remember.. do not forget to laugh. you need them too. Dont drown yourself with grief/sorrow... engulf yourself with laughter and joy. Even though there are problems... while trying to solve it.. laugh.. and smile. That's Life. Live it.. while it lasts.
Btw. Be Blessed Darlene.. and have a happy trip to BAGUIO! Love you =)
Anyhow, they were talking about someone who wanted to commit suicide because of the problems that someone encountered. And they find it shallow, because it's not actually a solution to the problem, and all that.
The guy asked the 'suicidal freak' "is that your solution?, do you think you would solve it like that? you would still lose". And the 'suicidal freak' would drone on and on about his work.. family. The guy told him "you entered that problem, you must learn how to get out of it. and that is not by trying to kill yourself. you are not the only one who has a problem. everyone has."
(my opinion)
Yes. Everyone has problems/stresses in life, but we all have different ways of dealing with it. Some foolish others are wise.
Foolish way of dealing it, is drinking. Yes, i find it foolish. (No offense meant). If you resort to drinking, because you have a big big problem... and you wanna drown yourself with liquor/alcohol.. do you think the next day your problem would be solved? No. it won't. Come to think of it... it's actually a waste of time. (aside from the fact that it adds stress in your body/health). Same goes to smoking. Specially the "suicide" thing. Yes, everyone thinks about that whenever everything goes wrong. Not the way we wanted it to happen. And you think your dreams would go tumbling down.. yada yada. If you do them all the time.. i dont think you wont solve any problems. It adds bigger problems.
So how do you solve your problems?
By diverting your thoughts to "solutions". Divert your thoughts.. you always think about your problem... everyday.. every waking day of your life. So you get more problems. What if you focus yourself to the "solution" instead of the "problem" itself?
Face your problems.. but do not be too consumed by it. Work on it. Solve it.
Don't be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams.
We need problems/obstacles/mistakes, anything that stresses us out to Learn. Sometimes we need to learn the hard way, if we keep making that mistake over and over again. If you cannot perfect that mistake it will haunt you, until you learn.
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” - Martin Luther
But always remember.. do not forget to laugh. you need them too. Dont drown yourself with grief/sorrow... engulf yourself with laughter and joy. Even though there are problems... while trying to solve it.. laugh.. and smile. That's Life. Live it.. while it lasts.
Btw. Be Blessed Darlene.. and have a happy trip to BAGUIO! Love you =)
Monday, August 14, 2006
so many things...
It is my cousin's Birthday JANE. *xiu di seng gwe kway la* i hope i got that right in chinese. -_-

Ive been playing trivia.. when im waiting for something to burn/print/ or some research.... and i wont stop till im at the TOP (*yeah i bop to the top*). and finally got it!
I dont have anything interesting to impart today, except that i am tired. And i cant figure out what to do first with my projects.. -_- Oh and i had my grades assessed awhile ago.. i have 12 subjects left.. and ill be out of the school. *yay!*
till here... *toodles*

Ive been playing trivia.. when im waiting for something to burn/print/ or some research.... and i wont stop till im at the TOP (*yeah i bop to the top*). and finally got it!

I dont have anything interesting to impart today, except that i am tired. And i cant figure out what to do first with my projects.. -_- Oh and i had my grades assessed awhile ago.. i have 12 subjects left.. and ill be out of the school. *yay!*
till here... *toodles*
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Woot! Woot!
Another new theme!!
Haha! This one is not a "fairytale".
When i showed my mom my first theme, (the pink one) she asked about my quote there.
The one with "is my imagination running away"(it was a song.. i like so much.) and mom is so keen about what quote you are using and she said "watch your words anak..".

So, since then i wanted to change my theme right away. (Aside from the fact i got tired of the uber pinky color)
But i cant since im making my project (and i just ran out of ink. *rawr*).
And today i did because im burning soo many cd's and it is taking so long.
Instead of doing nothing i decided to change the look and feel of my blog.. and TAADAAA!!
Sorry, its messy! Hehe but i like it as it is. Because if you read closely to the quotes i edited there (thanks to papemelrotti), they are my favorites and they have nice meanings about happiness, loving and serving...
Haha! This one is not a "fairytale".
When i showed my mom my first theme, (the pink one) she asked about my quote there.
The one with "is my imagination running away"(it was a song.. i like so much.) and mom is so keen about what quote you are using and she said "watch your words anak..".

So, since then i wanted to change my theme right away. (Aside from the fact i got tired of the uber pinky color)
But i cant since im making my project (and i just ran out of ink. *rawr*).
And today i did because im burning soo many cd's and it is taking so long.
Instead of doing nothing i decided to change the look and feel of my blog.. and TAADAAA!!
Sorry, its messy! Hehe but i like it as it is. Because if you read closely to the quotes i edited there (thanks to papemelrotti), they are my favorites and they have nice meanings about happiness, loving and serving...
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
It's Been Awhile..
I've been so busy, because exams were coming up and i wanted so much to finish some of my projects so i dont have to think about so many projects when the time comes. And now, exams are over i can finally blog! But not totally though.
Ever since last saturday, i soo much wanted to share about what i learned from our family gathering. The fathers were doing all the talking and one of them shared about the difference of Maturity and the opposite, the "immature".
He gave a great provocation to all the family members who can see themselves as the "immature" ones. He said an immature person, obviously is like a kid. When you were younger, you used to prepare yourself and you walk wherever you wished. On the other hand, a mature person just stretches his hands and wait for someone to prepare him/her (and i dont mean it literally, ok? To those who have eyes let them see, and to those who have ears let them hear.In short, READ BETWEEN THE LINES) and let that someone lead you to where you do not want to go. (refer to John Chapter 21 in the Bible.)
The above thought may seem confusing, but it brings light to what we are doing. It means, you have your own free will when you were younger, and is only concerned of yourself (immature), but you cant say that you are "mature" if you havent done any following. (I remember a line in the movie Drumline "You cannot Lead if you do not learn how to follow." Such simple words, but it has wisdom in it.) And usually when you follow "someone" specially a mentor or your father, it is hard, specially if they lead you to a place where you do not want to go. But that place, you dont know is the place where you should be, to find happiness and fulfillment. (Now, if you are consumed by the "earthly" things that surrounds you, you wouldnt understand a thing I'm saying.. so dont bother.) I know to most of you, this doesn't make sense. But to some, this would make sense. :) Just wanted to share this.
Anyhow, last sunday me and my parents watched 24 season 4(Courtesy of dwinny) we finished the series where we left of last last sunday. My Dad and Mom enjoyed the whole thing. And me too. The ending was sad though, and would make you wanna look forward for the next season. *sigh* My favorite part there was when Clowie went on the "field", which is soo un-Clowie-like. Coz she is mostly the techie girl and she is always in the headquarters. Anyhow, since one of the men of Marwan (the terrorist) came to assasinate them, Clowie managed to escape and locked herself and the other girl (the gf of a terrorist member) in a bulletproof car. And the terrorist keep shooting at them. Clowie called CTU, for backup and she was told where to get the extra gun inside the car (they have it, for emergencies). And then, when Clowie got hold of the gun she shot the terrorist (ratatatatatatatatat it was a machine gun i guess.) endlessly. That was my fave part. Hehe *go Clowie!*
I am saddened by Edgar's mom, Edgar tried to save her (from the nuclear meltdown) but her mom was left behind by the evacuees. *sigh* *huhuhuhu*
And i am annoyed by that selfish PRESIDENT of theirs! LOGAN!!! rawrrr! He is sooo pathetic. Really. If his thoughts are not of himself, it's the politics. It is good to think about your friendship with other countries but you have to analyze the sitch. Anyhow... the season was great!
<3 24 haha! :)
Ever since last saturday, i soo much wanted to share about what i learned from our family gathering. The fathers were doing all the talking and one of them shared about the difference of Maturity and the opposite, the "immature".
He gave a great provocation to all the family members who can see themselves as the "immature" ones. He said an immature person, obviously is like a kid. When you were younger, you used to prepare yourself and you walk wherever you wished. On the other hand, a mature person just stretches his hands and wait for someone to prepare him/her (and i dont mean it literally, ok? To those who have eyes let them see, and to those who have ears let them hear.In short, READ BETWEEN THE LINES) and let that someone lead you to where you do not want to go. (refer to John Chapter 21 in the Bible.)
The above thought may seem confusing, but it brings light to what we are doing. It means, you have your own free will when you were younger, and is only concerned of yourself (immature), but you cant say that you are "mature" if you havent done any following. (I remember a line in the movie Drumline "You cannot Lead if you do not learn how to follow." Such simple words, but it has wisdom in it.) And usually when you follow "someone" specially a mentor or your father, it is hard, specially if they lead you to a place where you do not want to go. But that place, you dont know is the place where you should be, to find happiness and fulfillment. (Now, if you are consumed by the "earthly" things that surrounds you, you wouldnt understand a thing I'm saying.. so dont bother.) I know to most of you, this doesn't make sense. But to some, this would make sense. :) Just wanted to share this.
Anyhow, last sunday me and my parents watched 24 season 4(Courtesy of dwinny) we finished the series where we left of last last sunday. My Dad and Mom enjoyed the whole thing. And me too. The ending was sad though, and would make you wanna look forward for the next season. *sigh* My favorite part there was when Clowie went on the "field", which is soo un-Clowie-like. Coz she is mostly the techie girl and she is always in the headquarters. Anyhow, since one of the men of Marwan (the terrorist) came to assasinate them, Clowie managed to escape and locked herself and the other girl (the gf of a terrorist member) in a bulletproof car. And the terrorist keep shooting at them. Clowie called CTU, for backup and she was told where to get the extra gun inside the car (they have it, for emergencies). And then, when Clowie got hold of the gun she shot the terrorist (ratatatatatatatatat it was a machine gun i guess.) endlessly. That was my fave part. Hehe *go Clowie!*
I am saddened by Edgar's mom, Edgar tried to save her (from the nuclear meltdown) but her mom was left behind by the evacuees. *sigh* *huhuhuhu*
And i am annoyed by that selfish PRESIDENT of theirs! LOGAN!!! rawrrr! He is sooo pathetic. Really. If his thoughts are not of himself, it's the politics. It is good to think about your friendship with other countries but you have to analyze the sitch. Anyhow... the season was great!
<3 24 haha! :)
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Life is Good... if you follow the Universal Rules
I ate a YELLOW WATERMELON yesterday.
I was watching the news awhile ago, and natural calamities are killing a lot of people lately. Not just here in the Philippines but also in a lot of different countries.
I was watching about President GMA's stand about evacuating the OFW's in Lebanon and people against her are again talking about if they have enough budget.. blah blah. What is more important LIVES or MONEY? Before you think about MONEY you think about what you can do FIRST, like SERVING PEOPLE for example. It is the ONLY JUST USE OF POWER, SERVING PEOPLE, and that is what Pres. GMA is trying to do, little by little. And they don't see it, because they always see the BAD instead of the GOOD. That's why they will never be succesfull, NEVER. Why are they so against a president, who did nothing but thought about the lives of the pinoys in Lebanon? If GMA does something, they are always behind her back and they always try to see the bad thing about anything that GMA does that is good.
I am not for her nor against her. She is the president of this country, and she needs respect, just like EVERYONE would want to be respected if they are in her position. Do you think other countries would respect US, if they see we dont respect the PRESIDENT? People always blurb about other countries not respecting them, how can they respect us, if we cant respect our leader ourselves?
And one more thing, those people who are always against her, is NOT DOING ANYTHING TO MAKE THIS COUNTRY BETTER!!! At least, even if they said she is being a hypocrite, she is doing something about our country, whereas those people who rally and protest about her IS DOING NOTHING! BUT go OUT IN THE SUN, and protest about this and that, making our country look worse.. instead of going out and making money and being PRODUCTIVE.
And there is nothing wrong with Pres. GMA's SONA. It was a good vision for the future. Why do they always worry about BUDGET?? Who cares about the BUDGET!
Benjamin Diokno, a former budget secretary, said what Ms Arroyo “has failed to address, time and time again, are the issues that block this country’s growth: Corruption, violence, political stability, rule of law and population growth.”
Why should Pres. Arroyo focus on something we all do not want to happen? Yes, it does happen, but why do we have to focus on something that we do not want, when we can focus on something we would WANT. That's why we get more of "what we do not want" because that is what we are focusing. We focus too much on the PROBLEM, that the SOLUTION was not taken care of.
Tobias(bishop), who earlier admitted to providing sanctuary to a troubled military mutineer, cited massive unemployment and underemployment, heavy debt servicing, and the supposed absence of real economic development.
Tobias said the government was again trying to paint a bright picture by claiming that only 11 percent (4 million to 5 million people) of the labor force was unemployed.
In reality, he said the figure was 16 percent of a potential labor force of 40 million Filipinos.
Well, at least PGMA is trying to paint a bright picture, while Bishop Tobias splashes black and white over the scenerio...I agree with Davao del Norte Vice Gov. Anthony del Rosario (btw, he is a businessman, so he gets the drill).
"Critics are saying that her plans could hardly be achieved until the end of her term on 2010. Of course, all those she planned may not be completed but what is important is that whoever seats as the next leader would know where to start." says del rosario.
He agreed that the president laid on the table a clear and detailed blueprint of nation-building where everyone is given a role to play. Del Rosario expects bitter reaction from the opposition such as the issue on the source of the money to fund those projects. However, he stands by the claim of the president that the effort should come from all sectors of the society including the local government units, the private sector, and funding agencies.
Press Secretary Ignacio Bunye stated that the government has the funds to jumpstart implementation and continuity will be guaranteed by a balance of domestic resources and prudent loans that will not cause a burden on the rising generations but lift the country from the oppression of abject poverty.
Meanwhile, del Rosario observed along with a number of Mindanaoans that PGMA's SONA mentioned less about her plans for Mindanao as compared with the projects for the other mega regions.
" She might not have mentioned all of her plans for Mindanao. But we'll just see later how PGMA would help this mega region. Let's give her a chance to prove her plans for the country", he explained.
However, he too admitted that it is not just the president's burden but the whole country's responsibility as well.
I sooo agree with del Rosario. At least there are still people who are sane, and concerned about the nation and no personal agendas. THINK POSITIVE, but do not be blinded also by what is happening, and do something about it, instead of ranting and raving. Enough said.
I am sorry.. i really just have to state my opinions. GO PRES. GLORIA! You can do it. Let the DOGS BARK, but the CARAVAN must move on! BE BLESSED!
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