(via thedisneyprincess)

The mantis comes to us when we need peace, quiet and calm in our lives. Usually the mantis makes an appearance when we've flooded our lives with so much business, activity, or chaos that we can no longer hear the still small voice within us because of the external din we've created.A quick-list of praying mantis symbolism:
Overwhelmingly in most cultures the mantis is a symbol of stillness. As such, she is an ambassador from the animal kingdom giving testimony to the benefits of meditation, and calming our minds.
An appearance from the mantis is a message to be still, go within, meditate, get quite and reach a place of calm. It may also a sign for you to be more mindful of the choices you are making and confirm that these choices are congruent.
Source: Animal Symbolismfor the original post: DayDream
Don’t ever use distance as an excuse to break up or separate. If anything, it’s that one of you don’t feel the same about the other anymore. If you were together in the first place, it must mean that you were both committed to make it work. But later on down the road, if you say you’re separating because of distance, then I would have to disagree. Unless you’re one of those people who were in the relationship just for physical needs.
It’s not distance that makes you want to separate, it’s the level of commitment that you’re willing to give into the relationship. Because distance only makes the heart grow fonder. If you really did like the person, you’d be more committed. You’d want to talk to that person almost all the time. You’d text or call. Go out of your way just to say “Hi” or “I miss you”. It doesn’t even take a minute to send a text or just call to say hi.
Everyone needs assurance. Without it, we’re lost. It takes two to tangle, and it takes two to cuddle. If one person has no idea what the other person is thinking, how are we suppose to deal/react to the situation? It’s like being left in the pitch black darkness. Assurance is the light that keeps us going. If you’re not committed, then say so. Reassure the person that you don’t feel the same. Don’t ever keep someone waiting just because you know they will. Hearts are the last thing you should be playing with.
If you’re ever gonna end a relationship, don’t ever say it’s because of distance. That’s lame. If anything, it’s you and the decrease of commitment you want to give into the relationship. If only one person is committed, it might as well turn into unrequited love.