Monday, August 27, 2007


This meme is entitled "In the Spotlight". I'm not the one who loves to be in the spotlight. Although, in my daydreams I dream about being in the spotlight but when it happens to me, say for example like in my debut I was the focus of everyone but it feels different, and I feel awkward about it, since I'm used as an entourage, flower maiden a bridal dancer etc...

Anyway this sounds like a nice meme with a twist...

This was from Ate Dessie of Fingertalks who loves to tag me talaga! haha :) But, it's fun anyway... so I'll do this.

What you do is look for Questions you want to answer HERE and then you post and answer them, one by one. :)

  • When did you start blogging?
I guess the answer can be found HERE.

  • Is this your first meme?
Nope. This is not my first Meme. My first meme can be found HERE.

  • What's your favorite childhood memory?
When I went to Manila for the MYB(Million Youth Babad) without parents. I had tons of fun. We went to Laguna and Tagaytay. Haayyyy....

  • Are you a spiritual person?

Tagged by: Bluepanjeet and YagitnaBata

  • Three things that scares me
  1. Driving { I still have to get over this... }
  2. Snakes { ewwww..... }

  • Three people who make me laugh
  1. Ate Lui & Ate Kai
  2. Giovanne
  3. Ate Cristala & Kuya Marlon
I exceeded. Heck. T_T
  • Three Things I love
  1. butterflies
  2. rainbows
  3. all that glitters
  • Three Things I hate
errr, I usually try to find a reason to like something I hate... but then... just for the sake of this.. here's my list:

  1. limitations
  2. spitting on the wrong places e.g. sidewalk or road.
  3. people throwing trash just about everywhere.
  • Three things I don't understand
  1. time
  2. how electricity works... (haha)

  • Three things on my desk
  1. books
  2. notebooks
  3. pens
  • Three things I am doing right now
  1. burning
  2. uploading pictures
  3. checking blogs
  • Three things I want to do before I die
  1. bungee jumping
  2. travel the whole world
  3. share/give a LOT!!
  • Three things I can do
  1. I can have my own concert when I'm alone.
  2. I can dance now.. harhar
  3. I can mhmmmm speak in front of oh so many people.
  • Three things I can't do
  1. anything I don't feel like/love doing....
  2. betray family & friends...
  3. shake off friends when they need my help
  • Three things I think you should listen to
  1. nature... (birds... the wind...)
  2. Desiderata
  3. silence.
  • Three things you should never listen to
  1. a foolish person
  2. a person who's all TALK but no WALK.
  3. clanging cymbal
  • Three Things I would like to learn
  1. tap dancing? Bwahahaha. (just read a book about it..)
  2. Tai Chi (I want I wantttt!!)
  3. Photoreading (I SHOULD!)
  • Three favorite foods
  1. Cakes (e.g. Mango Charlotte, Blueberry Cheesecake)
  2. Lasagna
  3. Tuna Sisig
  • Three shows I watched as a kid
  1. Saved by the Bell
  2. Are you afraid of the Dark?
  3. Rescue 911
  • Three sets of people I'm tagging
  1. anyone
  2. can do this tag
  3. :)
Ive been veryyyy busyy. Super duper. I mean this tag was in my drafts for weeks!! Grabe. But, I'm having fun most of the time anyway, even though it's quite tiring and I have to give up lots of things most of the time.... but heck.... everything's WELL.

I'll be catching up on you guys! Have a great DAY! Stay HAPPY! :)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Cotton Candy and Peanuts

Before hitting the streets first thing Friday morning I saw a green butterfly fluttering over a flower in our garden and a good thing I had my camera. A good omen for starting the day? Hehe.

One good thing about the Kadayawan Festival is that you have a variety of choices on how you want to spend the day.

What to do? What to do?

  • FOOD: If you are into food, you can eat fruits that are on season like mangosteen, durian, lansones and rambutan which can be seen everywhere and they come in very cheap. You can also choose from a variety of street foods downtown - kwek2x, cotton candy, popcorn, fishball, cheese sticks and more. If you want FOOD as in heavy meals.... restaurants have promos and you can see streamers everywhere screaming "Kadayawan Promo" this and that. You wouldn't starve I tell you. There are also Food Fiestas and fairs in different places.
  • SHOP: This is the time to SHOP! ALL malls are ON SALE. 10-70% off! Not just malls, even small boutiques and stores are on SALE. Everything's on SALE, I tell you.... even GUESS and other prominent flashy brands.
  • ENTERTAINMENT: Various artists have schedules to perform in different malls. Be it free or with pay. But mostly it's Free, just take your pick! There are cultural presentations and music festivals. Of course, we have the Indak Indak sa Kadalanan(Saturday) and the Floral Float Parade(Sunday) if you happen to wake up early in the morning. Bring your umbrellas with you.... or just a cap will do. If you don't like crowds.... then I think the street dancing is not for you. (did it just rhyme?)
  • PARTY - night street parties are offered everywhere. Everyone's out the night after Indak Indak (Street Dancing) usually scheduled Saturdays. Roads are often closed for the open street discos.
  • CONTESTS - if you are a person who loves to win a prize, there are various competitions you can join or just watch. From sports(sepak takraw), photography to dancing and even just joining raffle prizes in different malls.
  • TRADE FAIRS - of course trade fairs are always present. Plants, furniture and food. Best day to buy is the last day of the trade fair because you get it cheap....but not a lot of choices. :)

: The first day we just walked and strolled the streets. We just surveyed the streets... (as if we are not from Davao and we can't get enough.. hehe).

The unfinished renovated park that used to be called "P.T.A. Park" was temporarily opened for viewing. It was just a few blocks away from our office and we could have dropped by to check the park out but everyone was so tired from walking, we did not get the chance to preview the unfinished park.

Saturday: Indak-Indak sa Kadalanan. You'd hear the tribal music filling the air and a series of shouts. Some roads were closed and most jeepneys would re-route for the day. Be aware of that. Everyone can be seen walking, so you might as well join others. It's best to have someone with you around, someone who can walk tirelessly with the heat and the crowd to enjoy the moment. Just have fun and laugh when you bump into each other. Be in a good mood. :)

Finally, we got around to eating durian after the seemingly endless walking.... with me was Ate Jireh, fellow blogger... a newfound friend. :) Hello Ate!!! :)

I think the open disco was cancelled due to the rain that started out by 10P.M. (I'm not sure). They could've transferred it indoors. Hehe.

Sunday: It was drizzling when we set out for today's "walk-a-thon". I call it that because it seems like we've been walking since Friday. We did not watch the Float Parade because everyone slept through it. We just watched it on T.V. instead. Most of my business partners are "dance enthusiasts" so we decided to meet up at a Mall where there is a dance contest which will be judged by the Streetboys. But, oh boy... the crowd is just too much.

*See the crowd behind?*

The day ended with us eating street foods, cotton candy and peanuts. Which kind of summed up the three days we spent walking around. The bonding moments was sweet like a cotton candy....the heat of the sun hot as a peanut. :)

Friday, August 17, 2007

Kadayawan 07

I remember riding the plane from Cebu last week, and I was gushing about the people in the plane with us which happens to be from different nationalities. I was seated beside a Korean during my Bacolod-Cebu flight and then a German during the Cebu-Davao flight.

When I saw the rest of the people boarding the plane that was scheduled to leave for Davao.... I was wondering how come there were a lot of kids (half-Pinoys) everywhere.. and how we are getting so many tourists and all. Koreans, Japanese, German, American... you name it the plane had it.

When we arrived at the airport, ethnic music filled the air.... a music that is so familiar you would always categorize it as a "Kadayawan music" and I remembered why we are hoarding tourists and visitors and it's because of Kadayawan. Silly me.

It's Kadayawan all over again. Fruits are everywhere..... and they come in cheap. Durian, lansones, mangosteen (which is amazingly cheap nowadays...) and rambutan.

I've been eating rambutan the past few days and gosh you'd wonder why my nails looked like it's a mini pot. (Ok, ok.. that was lame.) I'm planning to eat the durian either today or tomorrow. Good thing our office is just downtown and we(business partners and I) will have it as our base. Haha.

I'm planning to enjoy the 3-fun-filled day activity starting today until Sunday. Haha. See you on the streets! "Kita na lang ta sa kalsada guys!"

For the schedule of activities... I have decided to post the events for the rest of the remaining week..

Kadayawan 2007 Schedule of Events.
Source: Kadayawan.

Hudayakaan sa Kadayawan Food and Music Fiesta
August 3-19
4 PM-12 MN, NCCC Mall Parking Area

Agro Industrial Trade Fair
August 8-23
10 AM-10 PM, SM City Davao

Canon Kadayawan Photo Contest
13-19 August

Ikebana International Flower Exhibit
16-18 August
9 AM-9 PM, NCCC Mall Activity Center

5-Stag Derby
15-18 August
Aquino Coliseum, Cabaguio Avenue

- Daily Events -

15-16 August
Sayaw Mindanaw – Isang Pagpupugay (8 AM-5 PM, CAP Auditorium)

16-17 August
Sayaw Mindanaw – Isang Pagpupugay (6 PM-9 PM, NCCC Mall Activity Center)

16 August
Cultural Celebration: Maranao Tribe (8 AM-5 PM, Rizal Park)
Davao River Festival (8 AM-5 PM, Davao Riverfront)
Forum on Indigenous Peoples’ Education (Grand Men Seng Hotel)

17 August
Cultural Celebration: Ata Tribe (8 AM-5 PM, Rizal Park)
Durian Festival Opening (LandCo Compound)
Performing Dabaw: Homage to Home-grown Artists (CAP Auditorium)
Republic of Davao: The Reggae Combo (8 PM, RMC Gym)
SK Midnight Fun Run (9 PM-12 MN, assembly area: SM City Davao Car Park B3)

17-18 August
MEDSA Mayor’s Cup – An Invitational Golf Tournament

17-19 August
1st National Dog Ultimate Challenge (Damosa Gateway, Market Basket)

18 August
Indak-indak sa Kadalanan (8 AM onwards, View Parade Map)
Daghang Salamat Dabaw! An NCCC Kadayawan Celebration (NCCC Mall Activity Area)

19 August
Floral Float Parade (8 AM-12 NN, View Parade Map)

Post-Kadayawan Activities:
21-25 August
LUMAD: Celebrating Indigenous Wisdom and Creativity (2nd Indigenous Peoples’ Visual Art Show and Auction) – (NCCC Mall)

30 August-02 September
Trade Exhibit – Organized by the Peace and Equityt Foundation Launching the Badjau products of Basilan

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Joining the Mindanao Bloggers Summit

Where: 4th Floor, NCCC Mall Matina,Davao City
When: October 27, 2007 (Saturday) 9:00AM - 5:00 PM
Organized By: The Usual Suspects
Schedule of Activities: Program

I've been waiting for this event ever since they announced this Bloggers Summit at the Blog Party. Finally, they gave out the final date for the said event and I am excited to join it!

It's a Saturday. No class and everything. I do hope Avy and Bam would spare the time and join the event with me. Oi! Avy will you join? and Jona as well....along with Pearl and Kath...

This event might even be a whole-day affair and not just half day. I'm sure it would be fun and another place to learn more about other bloggers as well.

I can't wait for the Mindanao Bloggers Shirts they will sell which will be designed by Jojie Alcantara. Another Wow!

They also have a blogging contest that is OPEN FOR EVERYONE. This is called the Review-A-Blog Competition. For the steps visit HERE.

Wanna join the Mindanao Bloggers Summit? Register HERE.

PLUGS to the following SPONSORS:

Councilor Peter Laviña
Davao's Food Huntress
Lane Systems

Sunday, August 12, 2007

City of Smiles

I got back from Bacolod, the "city of smiles" yesterday(August 11). We stayed at Grand Regal Hotel conveniently located in front of Gaisano Mall, hosted by Mrs. Talas a very generous woman and a very great host at that.

Mom and I attended a special business event(August 8, 2007) that was coordinated by Bacolod's Charity Prince Joery Llanera. It was a good show. I had fun.

The next two days (August 9 and 10), mom trained 30 leaders and I had a great time seeing how the training changed their outlook in life. We received a lot of good responses from them and mom said she had a lot of fun with the network leaders. :)


I never got the chance to tour around the place but at least I got the chance to eat out at two of their best "eating places".



There is an eating place they call "pala-pala" or "tulahan". You get to buy fresh seafood at the back (wet market) and have it cooked at the eateries in front. Just take your pick. The place is near the seashore, that's why seafood comes cheap. The facade of the eateries may look like an ordinary karinderya but oh boy.... their food is great.

TIP: if you want good food, just have it cooked at an eatery where numerous people eat because I'm sure they serve YUMMMYYY food. We ate at an eatery called "Hyskos" twice.


This restaurant also serves great food. It's cheap (compared to restaurants here in Davao that serves the same food), and very yummy. The interior of the place is good and it has a great service. (Wow! Writing about food made me hungry tonight. *growls*).

I ordered their cheese sticks... and by gum you wouldn't say "bitin" because it's very CHEESY (unlike other cheese sticks I know served in other restaurants here in Davao).

One dish perked my interest was the "porbidang kangkong", because of it's name. It's probably "porbida" because it's hot and spicy. Very Very yummmmyyyyyy..... !!!

I did not get to taste Bacolod's Chicken Inasal which is pretty much popular and Bacolod's known for that... but at least I got to be in two places that serves great food with a low price.


Till here! Have a great week ahead!!

Monday, August 06, 2007

The Big Day

I've been almost neglecting this blog and all and I'm pretty way behind but sometimes life gets too busy and yes I'm riding the fast train as of the moment with a lot of schedules here and there.

(August 3-4, 2007)

For two days, I've been in and out of Tagum(the new location of the Service Center to be managed by me) to help clean the place up and arrange what my parents planned. Everything looked really great, despite the fact that you had to brush the whole tiled floor which is not a good type of tile because the dirt sticks right away and one has to mop it most of the time to keep it squeaky clean (that was the downside of it all, the tiles which came with the building).

I am sooooo grateful for the support the Legaspi group has given me. Four(Kuya Lauro, Kuya Marlon, Kuya Alie and Kuya Eric) of them went with us to help pull the things out from the old place, mind you that was without pay, it was just pure service. Grabe!

They had fun with the place. People in Tagum are pretty accommodating when they realized there's a new establishment. Being at the heart of the city, everyone who passed by was curious and asked about the establishment and the new occupants which we gladly answered.

When the distributors invited new interested people to visit the place for the opening-slash-orientation most of the distributors were bombarded with questions like "would there be food?", or "naay kumbira?".

Tsk. Tsk. Telling everybody the presence of food would devoid the purpose of the orientation. You would have a place filled with people thinking about free food and not the opportunity that would be laid down for them. We did not say that there would be food for the stomach after or anything fancy catered for them but a few expected there would be. They went out of the office before and right after the orientation muttering a few unintelligible words which would lead to the bottom line that "there was no free food".

We served the prepared snack 30 minutes after the presentation. The food was served for those who were really interested and they were even surprised. It pays to wait but never expect. Hehe.

I was touched when I heard the night before the event that almost all decided to wear pink or shades of pink as a sign of support to me. Awwww.... How sweet. Ate Mari told me, I mentioned it to her once.... I just forgot. But, it was so nice... and sweet of them to wear pink... even the men were all game to wear pink.

Renel and June arrived since they both hailed from Tagum. My friends in ICST wanted to go there and told me they would.... but then they have things to take care of.... pero "thank you sa text message(from Jona and Pearl) and the comment you gave as well Avy." Grabe. I appreciate all those. "Kita kits na lang sa school. Gi mingaw nako sa inyo ba."

Belated Happy Birthday kay Ate Sasha (august3) . Sorrrryyyy. I'm so late grabe.

By August 8, I shall be in Bacolod to assist Mom with her training. Just a few days.. will be back right away.

Enjoy the rest of the week. I will visit your abodes now. Hehe. STAY HAPPY!