The trip went well (in fact it was great!).
The first part of the trip was spent on four scheduled Leadership Training in different places to be conducted by my mom.
April 12-13 : The first one was conducted at Malolos, Bulacan. My mom's training is limited to 30 persons only (and that's already the maximum but on some places it would exceed to 35). But this time at Malolos there were only 12 participants (which makes it easy for mom). Less audience is easier.
I also tried a delicacy from Malolos called Inipit *review some other time*. I also visited the ever famous Barasoain Church. I was supposed to take a picture in front but, a wedding was about to take place and so all my plans of being there went down the drain. Hehe. Give way to the bride. :P
April 15-16: 
Our second schedule was set to be in Tandang Sora, Quezon City to be hosted by Mrs. Luzviminda's Service Center.
Basically, this group is a great one, most of the attendees are in their youth and they are way beyond people their age already. (Not a lot of youths attend this kind of training though). They are responsive and they ask a lot of questions (which is actually great because my mom encourages questions and clarifications when she speaks). Very interactive. They are also achievers which makes it a plus. Keep it up guys! :)
April 17-18: The third schedule was held at Willie Mercado's Service Center over at Zamora Street.
Mrs. Lelel was a great host, she made sure we were doing all right and all th

at. She even drove us at the hotel when our drive wasn't able to make it. I also admired her three kids helping out with their Service Center. You can see they have a tight family bond.
The group here is great as well. Intellectual and Spiritual and so Mom did not have any trouble and actually finished early because they got it just right.
I also admired Mr. & Mrs. Lauron(Crown Diamonds) who attended mom's training. It's quite rare to see a person EARN MUCH and attend trainings. Most people who earn much and are in a high position don't attend trainings anymore. You can see that Mr. & Mrs. Lauron are
green mangoes*
April 19Supposed to be our rest day but mom made time for some of the Network Leaders who weren't able to attend her trainings. It started by 10am ended at quarter to 4 or something.
April 20
en route to Quezon. We took our time getting to the place. Not much in a hurry. I enjoyed the ride.
April 21-22
The last schedule was held at Aramin Resort in Tayabas, Quezon Province. The bond on this group is very tight. Quezon already had it's first batch, which were the "uplines" of the second batch and they bonded during the two nights talking about a lot of things in life. I enjoyed observing their bond here.
April 23Before going back to Manila we decided to climb the 300 steps of the "Kamay ni Hesus" grotto. Due to the "coding" in Pasay we delayed our going back to Manila by stopping at different places and taking a different, scenic route. I was able to drop by at Lucban, Quezon (to check out the hats once again... but did not get to buy one.. since I don't know where I would store it. T_T), and Lumban, Laguna (the home of the finest barongs).
All in all it was a fun filled trip full of learning experiences. I learned a lot from different people. It's one of the reasons I decided to stay in the Networking Field. You get to understand people more and more and you meet different people and learn from them and at the same time you got to help them out. You give something, they get something. You get something, they give out something.
Green Mango - mature independent person, attends trainings. leaves their cup empty, eager to learn. coachable. A green mango stays on the tree. It doesn't fall. It wouldn't rot.
Yellow Mango - immature independent person, don't attend trainings because their cup is full already. they feel they know EVERYTHING. A yellow mango usually falls from a tree and is left to rot. When you stop learning, you start to rot just like a yellow mango.